How is the Hebrew Date Calculated?
Our calendar uses advanced technology to accurately display the Hebrew date. Here are some key points about how it works:
- We use the browser's built-in system to convert Gregorian (secular) dates to Hebrew dates.
- This ensures high accuracy and takes into account all the complexities of the Hebrew calendar.
Date Conversion
- The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar, based on both lunar and solar cycles.
- The Hebrew day begins at sunset, unlike the Gregorian day which starts at midnight.
- Hebrew years are counted from the creation of the world according to Jewish tradition.
- The Hebrew calendar includes leap months instead of leap days.
Hebrew Calendar Characteristics
- We display Hebrew dates in the traditional format, including Hebrew letters for days and years.
- You can choose between a regular number display and a traditional Hebrew letter display.
Customized Display
Thanks to this combination of modern technology and tradition, we offer an accurate and user-friendly Hebrew calendar.
Convert Gregorian Date to Hebrew Date
Use the form below to convert a Gregorian date to a Hebrew date. Simply enter a date and click "Convert" to get the corresponding Hebrew date.