Open University Video Downloader


Learn Anywhere, Anytime

Download Open University course videos for offline viewing with ease.

Add to Chrome - It's Free!

Easy Downloads

Download course videos with just one click for offline viewing.


Watch your downloaded videos on any device, anytime, anywhere.

Secure & Private

Your downloads are for personal use only, ensuring content security.

Fast Performance

Quickly identify and download video segments without slowing your browsing.

Open University Compatible

Specifically designed for Open University course materials.

Boost Your Learning

Access course content offline to study at your own pace and convenience.

Open University Video Downloader interface Video download in progress Offline video player Download complete Download history

Open University Video Downloader is a non official Chrome extension developed for non commercial use to download video segments of Open University courses for offline viewing. This extension is designed for active students of the Open University who wish to watch videos they are entitled to offline.

Author: Dor Pascal


How to Use My Video Downloader

This extension is easy to use. Simply install the extension in your Chrome browser, and it will allow you to download video segments of Open University courses for offline viewing. This is particularly useful for those who lack a stable internet connection or have a limited data plan.

Important Information

This extension is not intended to be used for illegal purposes. It is meant to be used for personal use only. Please respect the rights of the content creators. Note that the extension is not affiliated with the Open University, and I do not take any responsibility for the misuse of this extension.


This project is licensed under a custom license. See the LICENSE file for details. In short, this extension is free to use for personal use only and is strictly prohibited for commercial use or any other use that violates the rights of the content creators, such as downloading copyrighted content.


A previous extension developed by Martin for Firefox inspired me to create this Chrome extension.