This is a simple implementation of the game Noughts and Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) in Python. The game is played on a 3x3 grid and the first player to get 3 of their marks in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins the game.
The original code was compiled to webassembly using Pyodide, a Python environment for the browser. An online demo of the game can be found here.
To install Pygame, run the following command:
Set virtual environment (recommended):
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the game:
python3 src/
The game is designed for 2 players. Player 1 is ‘X’ and Player 2 is ‘O’. Players take turns to place their mark on the grid by clicking on an empty cell. The game ends when one of the players gets 3 of their marks in a row or when there are no more empty cells left on the grid.
The gameplay is straightforward, as can be seen in the GIF below. The scoreboard keeps track of the number of wins for each player. The game can be reset at any time by clicking the “Reset” button.
Note that the reset button is hidden and apears during a tie, but can also be clicked during game.
The game consists of the following classes (if you are unable to view the diagram, please refer to the class_diagram.png file):
class EventHandler {
+EventHandler(game, board_renderer, score_renderer, reset_button)
-game : NoughtsCrosses
-board_renderer : BoardRenderer
-score_renderer : ScoreRenderer
-reset_button : pygame.Rect
class GameBoard {
+GameBoard(game, board_size)
-game : NoughtsCrosses
-score_keeper : ScoreKeeper
-board_renderer : BoardRenderer
-score_renderer : ScoreRenderer
-event_handler : EventHandler
-screen : pygame.Surface
-reset_button : pygame.Rect
-board_size : tuple
-screen_size : tuple
-font_size : int
class Renderer {
+Renderer(screen, board_size)
-_screen : pygame.Surface
-_board_size : tuple
-_font_size : int
class BoardRenderer {
+BoardRenderer(screen, board_size, grid_size)
-_screen : pygame.Surface
-_board_size : tuple
-_grid_size : int
-_board_lines : list
-_o_img : pygame.Surface
-_x_img : pygame.Surface
-_small_font : pygame.Font
class ScoreKeeper {
-x_wins : int
-o_wins : int
class ScoreRenderer {
+ScoreRenderer(screen, board_size, font_size)
-_screen : pygame.Surface
-_board_size : tuple
-_font_size : int
-_font : pygame.Font
-_small_font : pygame.Font
class NoughtsCrosses {
-board : list
-current_player : str
-winning_combo : None
GameBoard --> EventHandler
GameBoard --> BoardRenderer
GameBoard --> ScoreRenderer
GameBoard --> ScoreKeeper
GameBoard --> NoughtsCrosses
BoardRenderer --> Renderer
ScoreRenderer --> Renderer
: This class is responsible for handling user interactions with the game. It takes in user inputs and triggers the appropriate responses in the game.
: This class represents the game board. It keeps track of the game state, including the current player, the game board’s size, and the game’s visual elements. It also holds instances of NoughtsCrosses
, ScoreKeeper
, BoardRenderer
, ScoreRenderer
, and EventHandler
: This is a base class for rendering elements on the screen. It holds common attributes and methods that are used by its subclasses.
: This class is a subclass of Renderer
. It is responsible for rendering the game board on the screen.
: This class keeps track of the scores of the players. It increments the score of the current player when they win a game.
: This class is a subclass of Renderer
. It is responsible for rendering the scores on the screen.
: This class contains the logic of the Noughts and Crosses game. It keeps track of the current state of the game board, the current player, and the winning combination if there is one.
The program utilize Python try
and except
blocks to catch exceptions and handle errors. For example, the run
function in the GameBoard
class catches exceptions that occur during the game loop and prints an error message to the console. Inplace error handling was also included, such as raising ValueError
when the game logic encounters an invalid move in the make_move
method of the NoughtsCrosses
Where program flow could continued, a fallback procedure was implemented. For example, when the images for the ‘X’ and ‘O’ marks could not be loaded, the program would fallback to generate the figures using Pygame’s drawing functions.
module contains unit tests for the classes in the
, and
files. These tests are designed to ensure that the game’s components are functioning as expected.
The tests are organized into several classes, each of which corresponds to a class in the game’s code. Each class contains a setUp
method, which initializes the game, board size, and other necessary components for the tests.
To run the tests, execute the
file. If all tests pass, the components of the game are working as expected. If any test fails, it indicates a problem with the corresponding component of the game.
The game was tested with various edge cases to ensure that it behaves correctly in all scenarios. Some of the edge cases tested include: